Registration is a very nerve racking experience. One has to compete with hundreds of other students for classes that have limited spaces. For semester at sea, the students must have one lens course and three regular courses. Options for lens courses are limited, and for me there was only one that would benefit me. I went about choosing my classes on which ones would be best for my overall graduation. Before registration started I had made a schedule of classes I wanted and also chose classes that would work for back ups if I did not get my first choices.
Lucky for me class registration was at 12:00 when I did not have any UNCW classes. When it came time to register I logged on at the same time as the hundreds of other students and was scared out of my mind. The system was extremely slow because of the amounts of people on at once. After all the heart pounding, freaking out, and terrifying wait for website loading, I was all registered and completely relieved. I had gotten all of my first choices!
Lens: water for the world:
Topic = Everything to know about water.
Professor = Johnson
Field Lab = singapore day one
Why take it? I decided to take this class because it transfers back to UNCW as a science. For me to graduate I need two science classes and I have already taken one. By taking this class my general studies for sciences are fulfilled. This class was a good choice because I actually have a reason to take it rather than it being just a fun class to take that would not benefit me in the future.
1) Introduction to drawing at sea:
Topic = Visual recording of personal expression.
Professor = McLeod
Field Lab = Hilo, Hawaii, lava rock beach
Why Take it? To graduate UNCW there are a certain amount of elective class you have to take for graduation. I decided to take this class because I love to draw but am not allowed to take art classes at UNCW because it is not my minor or major. By taking this class on the ship it allows me to have fun while abroad and fulfill elective credits.
2) Consumer Behavior:
Topic = Creation of marketing strategy.
Professor = Oliphant
Field Lab = Vietnam markets, day1
Why take it? I wanted to take this class because it is a mandatory class to take as a marketing major. With this class I will be starting to fulfill the courses for my major and will get to use what we learn first hand in the countries we visit. we will be learning by seeing and being involved rather than from only a class room.
3) Theory and practice of persuasion:
Topic = How to be persuasive.
Professor = Acosta-Lewis
Field Lab = Market persuasion techniques in Myanmar, & dinner with a United Nations representative.
Why Take it? This class would also come back as an elective but the main reason I decided to take it, is because in the business world one needs to learn how to be persuasive without being pushy or rude. It is necessary to be able to communicate your opinions and why they would be beneficial. This class would give me knowledge that would be extremely helpful in the real world and give me a step up from possible future co-workers.
*The four classes I chose I believe are very strong and enjoyable. I can not wait to get started!
**For those of you who are not aware, Field labs are mandatory for each class and are faculty lead excursions that bring what we are learning into real life. Field labs are different for every class and the professor chooses which country would best represent the class material.