Wednesday, September 25, 2013

your age is not a deadline

Came across this blog and the post was exactly what I needed to read. Your age is not a deadline to a specific accomplishment that needs to happen. Everyone travels through life at different paces, there is no need to speed up your life to fit with what is expected or what seems to be normal at a particular age.

Read, Think, Enjoy

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Day under water

We only had a day in Mauritius so how was I going to make it the best day possible? Scuba diving! My friend Kendall and I went to a dive shop and had the most amazing time. They took us out on a boat and we went diving at a spot called the cathedral. Our dive was around 50 feet deep and it was crystal clear! Some of the people with us went to 100 feet and we could see them at the bottom that’s how clear it was. There were schools of angel fish, and a school of massive puffer fish! We also saw giant lobster, a few lion fish (very poisonous), two eels, and many other species of fish. That was my first dive ever after being certified and it was better than I ever imagined. I took pictures and videos with my GoPro and you can hear me breathing and laughing underwater. When the dive ended we boated back in and got some lunch. The spot was about 30 minutes away so by the time we got back to the ship it was time to leave. It was an amazing day and a gorgeous island. It was fun being under the water all day rather than on top of it.