Sunday, February 10, 2013

Thoughts of the day

I wake up every day on this ship and am still amazed that this is my life. Everyday I walk up the stairs of a ship that is floating in the middle of the ocean where land is nowhere to be seen. This is my life, taking classes while swaying back and forth with hundreds of kids just like me. Their goal: travel the world. This is my life, loving everyday as it comes and doing work while watching the waves crash around me with salty wind in my hair. This is my life, traveling the globe by ship and calling it school. This is me, living in a world where everyday is so amazing and so inspiring. This is me, trying to describe a feeling that I am still trying to unscramble myself. This experience is impossible to explain and each moment I become more appreciative of what this life has to offer. The realization of what I am doing hits me everyday as I try and wrap my head around it. Processing everything that has been occurring has been difficult and it is even harder now that we are jumping from port to port. Loving life, loving my journey, loving the opportunity I was given to be able to experience so many places in such a unique way. This trip allows me to make my own conclusions about cultures and generate a perspective of the world that is significant to my life. I can begin to appreciate different beliefs, living standards, and norms that are very different to what I have been use to and enjoy them myself rather than trying to understand them from someone else’s eyes. My life right now is filled with more joy than I have ever felt, and more happiness than I ever thought could come from a trip. These memories will forever be irreplaceable and this voyage will continue to help me grow.

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